
来源:上海市实验学校国际部S 2022-01-22 59个人阅读


This semester, our team has built a platform for children to practice their English and show their styles. In a series of activities, the children experienced the fun of English language and culture. 


Talent show


First graders performed English songs, rhymes, etc. to show their talents in the most comfortable and relaxing way at home. They uploaded the videos on Xiaoheiban, so that everybody could see their performance, which helped them learn from each other. They voted for the best after watching. 


SESID Spelling Bee


Second graders participated in the English spelling bee competition in the school hall. Five students from each class were selected to take part in the competition. The words in the competition came from the Longman and Wonders textbooks that the children learned at school. The students on stage spell with a pen, and the students off stage also actively tried to join.  and cheered for their classmates. After four rounds of competition, every student felt the joy of spelling words.



三年级的孩子们,以每个chapter的part C为剧本,分组分角色进行课本剧表演。孩子们表演热情很高,每次都精心制作道具,熟练背诵台词,精彩演绎剧情。小组成员互帮互助,配合默契。孩子们在表演中锻炼和提高了表达能力,同时也学会了与同伴合作。

Third graders did the role-play from the stories on our book. The children were very enthusiastic in performing. They made props carefully, recited lines fluently and performed the plot brilliantly. Group members helped and cooperated with each other. The children exercised and improved their expression ability in the performance, and learned to cooperate with their peers at the same time.


Group diary


Through the group diary, the fourth graders shared the happy and interesting things that happened around us and on campus every day. Some wrote about holiday such as Halloween or Christmas; some mentioned Science and Technology Festival; some wrote about their extracurricular activities at weekends. Some even created the stories. In class, children shared their diaries. After class, the students could write down their comments on others’ work.


My dream job

五年级的老师结合学校科技节活动让学生写了一篇My Dream Job的作文,之后做了小报评选。最后,在学科活动口语演讲比赛中,孩子们自行准备,在是否脱稿、肢体语言、语音语调,流利程度方面进行了评选,大家踊跃投票选出了心中的最佳演讲选手。

The fifth grade teachers asked the students to write a composition of ‘My Dream Job’ in combination with the school Science and Technology Festival activity. Then, they made a tabloid display. Finally, in the oral speech contest, the children prepared by themselves beforehand. Some of them added body language; some paid attention to pronunciation and intonation. Some even recited the article. Finally, they voted for the best speaker. Congratulations to all the participants! 
