Travis Walker
提起VMA令人印象深刻的老师,Travis Walker的名字时常被大家挂在嘴边。2016-2019年,Walker老师在梅沙执教AP经济学,并首创了600-Level的哲学课,成为诸多梅沙人的“念念不忘”。随后他暂别VMA,前往北京完成中国哲学硕士课程。本期潮间漫谈,我们邀请了重返梅沙校园的Travis Walker,对谈他与中国哲学、历史和文化的不解之缘。
Travis Walker采访
Q Many VMAers are interested in your graduate life in Beijing. Why did you choose to leave VMA to study in Beijing and why did you select Chinese Philosophy as your major?
Travis Walker:
Graduate life in Beijing was awesome, though I only got to truly experience it for one semester before I was stuck in the US and had to take online classes. I'm so glad I got the experience of studying abroad (which is quite different from teaching) and am excited that so many VMA students also want to challenge themselves to do the same.
I chose the MA program in Chinese Philosophy mostly as an excuse to keep studying Chinese language and traditional thought. My language goals were quickly cut short due to COVID but I continued to read and investigate many ancient texts and thinkers. When I first discovered Chinese thought, it was like a fountain I've never drank from. So far, I'm still impressed by the depth and the freshness of it all.
I love many different thinkers in the Chinese tradition. Without a doubt, Zhuangzi is probably one of the most intelligent and insightful minds that I've ever encountered. He's able, unlike many philosophers, to stop his frantic thinking and wander through life in untroubled ease. In many ways, he reminds me of the Western Philosopher Wittgenstein. I'm also a big fan of Mengzi and Xunzi. In my opinion, Xunzi is the clearer and better thinker whereas Mengzi is the superior teacher. I've learned a lot of from both and am happy whenever I have the opportunity to revisit their works. That said, I wrote my MA thesis on the works of the Mohists, so I really do love nearly every 'school' of thought in ancient China.
Q As the first Philosophy teacher in VMA, how do you interpret Philosophy? How has Philosophy influenced your life and pursuits?
Travis Walker:
I really enjoy this question, as you asked me to 'interpret' rather than 'define' philosophy. Most people ask me to define philosophy which seems impossible to do and satisfy everyone. At it's simplest, I think Philosophy encourages us to ponder some of the hardest questions of being human: is there a right/wrong way to live, how would we know, and so on. Philosophy has given me hope in the darker moments in my life and also needlessly perplexed me. Reading some of the famous philosophers reminds me of having a conversation with an old friend. Each step along the way they pose something unique for you to consider.
Q Philosophy was a 600-level course. Recalling upon the Philosophy classes you have taught in VMA, what are some teaching attempts and unforgettable moments you would like to share? (i.e. The Philosophy rap)
Travis Walker:
Yes, Philosophy class is full of interesting puzzles and fun projects! Like you mentioned, students had to create a video that popularized Chinese Philosophy to a Western audience. One group created a Korean-style classroom drama while the others created a rap battle between the Confucians and Daoists. I also fondly remember reading a graphic novel about the life and philosophy of Bertrand Russell. Students have created wonderful presentations about Philosophical topics of their own choosing. I remember some like, 'What is Art?' or an overview of Kurt Godel's incompleteness theorem. I enjoy giving students the space and support to come up with cool projects that are both interesting and insightful.
Q Why do you choose to teach in VMA again? How do you like your new life in VMA so far?
Travis Walker:
I think VMA has great potential in its mission to create global citizens and leaders with a Chinese identity. Much of the history of the 21st century already depends on Sino-US relations and I think VMA exists in a unique place to make a contribution towards a more peaceful and just world. The level of friendships and connections I've made here have been profound and I hope to create new ones.
It may not be very meaningful to say this, but many things are exactly the same at VMA while many other things have changed. Love for basketball is still very real! If I'm being honest, I'd have to say I miss teaching AP Microeconomics and Philosophy very much. Research is both a fun and important course, but my heart forever belongs to AP Micro. That course is just too much fun for me.
Q What do you plan to teach next year (2022-2023)? Have you thought about restarting Walker’s Dancing Book Club?
新学年您计划教授什么课程呢?会有什么新的设计和元素吗?是否也会延续此前Walker’s Dancing Book Club的传统?
Travis Walker:
Next year, the plan is to teach AP World History (which I've wanted to do for a long time) and restartPhilosophy. I'm going to restructure it so we'll focus less on history or the sequence of ideas and instead have space to consider ideas topic by topic. I really want to push students to come up with their own ideas rather than parrot the ideas of old, dead men.
I'm already (sort of!) reviving the dancing book club. First, it must be said that the dancing book club never really died, it merely transformed into Agora (lead by Chen Junsheng). Secondly, some students approached me about starting a Philosophy club and I couldn't say no. So if you are interested in drinking tea and chatting about philosophical questions, feel free to stop by 206 on Thursdays during PP2. Right now, there's no outside readings because of how busy most students are. We'd love to hear your opinion!
Walker's favorite Chinese dish
Walker's favorite Chinese city
Walker's favorite poem
Walker's favorite philosopher
A book Walker reads recently
A movie Walker has seen recently
The happiest thing ever in Walker's life
A city Walker would like to visit after Pandemic
Walker's best Chinese phrase/sentence
Walker's most unforgettable memory in VMA
- END-
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