热烈祝贺上海宏润博源学校正式成为英国剑桥大学国际考评部授权的英国剑桥国际课程中心! Congratulations to Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School for becoming a Cambridge International Curriculum Center authorized by Cambridge Assessment International Education(CAIE). 剑桥大学国际考评院负责人对我校的校园设施、师资力量、课堂质量、学生校外活动等情况进行考察,并给予高度认可。我校顺利通过考核,成立剑桥国际课程中心(授权码:CX139),正式成为剑桥国际学校全球大家庭中的一员。 CAIE directors have inspected and assessed many aspects of our school, including but not limited to campus facilities, faculty team, quality of teaching, and extracurricular activities, and spoke highly of what we have been doing. Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School has been approved by CAIE, established its Cambridge International Curriculum Center, and became a member of the global family of the Cambridge International Schools. 这意味着我校将可以直接使用剑桥大学国际考评部丰富的教、学、考、评资源库,与全球的剑桥国际课程中心共享教案、思维导图、教学视频等辅助资源。 This means that we will have direct access to the rich teaching, learning, examination and assessment resources of CAIE, and share teaching plans, mind maps, teaching videos and other supporting resources with other Cambridge International Curriculum Centers. 这是我校在继GlA上海独家授权,AP学校(CEEB code:694713)、ACT课程和考试中心、Cognia权威认证后,又一个重要授权。这使得上海宏润博源学校在课程多样性,选择丰富性方面又迈进了一步。 This is one more important accreditation SHBS got after its exclusive authorization by GlA in Shanghai, authorization by College Board as an AP School (CEEB Code :694713), authorization by ACT as an ACT Curriculum and Testing Center, and authorization by Cognia. This also means that SHBS can step up furthermore in providing various curricula and courses for its students. 上海宏润博源学校始终在不断探索,不断提高和完善自身的办学水平,为培养更多具有中华底蕴和国际视野的创新人才而不断努力。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索!” Constantly exploring, improving, and refining its ability to provide high-quality education, SHBS strives to bring up more innovative talents with Chinese roots and international vision. “The journey ahead is long and endless, yet we would keep searching high and low!”