牛津大学,有多名教师都是教科书的作者,比如历史教师Alex Courtney博士,他是King James I (英国国王詹姆士一世)的权威研究学者。我们的数学科副主任 Vesna Kadelburg博士也是诸多A Level数学和进阶数学教科书的作者。我们的“42大师讲堂”系列讲座邀请讲师来挑战我们学生思维的边界。上个学期的讲师包括第一位英军女拆弹兵和剑桥大学纳米科学中心扫描探针显微镜和纳电子研究小组的创办人和现任主任。我们这学期将会邀请一位古气候学的权威学者和一位专长是保护濒危动物的英国著名“大型动物”兽医。两位都是剑桥大学的讲师。
升学辅导,就能成就一个全面的良好教育。 offer education to girls as well as boys and from ages 3 to 18 years old. The Perse retains its historic links with some Colleges of the University of Cambridge and both Gonville and Caius College and Trinity College nominate Fellows to the Board of The Perse School. The school quickly established a reputation for sending a regular flow of scholars to the University of Cambridge.The Perse School Suzhou is located on Jiuxueqian in Gusu District in the heart of Suzhou, students will find a 'college campus' of courtyards equipped with state-of-art science laboratories, classrooms, studios, a library and lecture room. A school can never be greater than the sum of its teachers. Our teachers will be experienced, well-qualified and will inspire and motivate our students. The Perse School Cambridge will assist in the recruitment of the most senior teaching positions. Students will receive a world-class education, including university counselling support assisted by the team at The Perse School Cambridge. The Perse School Suzhou will provide an exceptional learning experience where, as our motto says, students will 'love learning and strive for the greater good'. We have public examination results which are undoubtedly important and provide access to the next stages in an individual's academic career. We also focus on developing the attitudes, skills and abilities that can be more important in the long-term and enable the students to be more successful in the work place and lead a more fulfilling life.