
来源:Harrow哈罗国际深圳 2023-02-03 59个人阅读




The world has paused for three years, but it’s now time for us to reconnect and experience the most exciting summer ever! AISL Outdoor Summer Camps 2023 A fulfilling and exciting summer awaits you here:



AISL Outdoor Summer Camps 2023 presents a fun, exciting and educational summer programme, created for children aged 8 to 16 years old.  

Taking place in 10 Harrow School locations across Asia (Appi, Japan, Bangkok, Thailand, Beijing, Chongqing, Haikou, Hong Kong, Nanning, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Zhuhai), 

AISL Outdoor Summer Camps encourages children to make friends while being led and inspired by our exceptional leaders.  All summer camps are themed and inspired by their camp locations which will allow children to explore and experience.

Looking ahead tothe new year's Summer

The students can get close to nature and experience its richness in Japan’s Appi Highlands 

Develop entrepreneurship for future at the World Business Center in Hong Kong, China

Enjoy the magic of science in the tropics of Bangkok, Thailand under the guidance of professional instructors

Keep on reading to find out the key differences and highlights of camps in Hong Kong, Bangkok and Appi, Japan. 



AISL Outdoor Summer Camps @Harrow Hong Kong is located at the beautiful Gold Coast near Tuen Mun Equipped with state-of-the-art educational and world-class sports facilities;



@哈罗曼谷 位于首都廊曼区的湖畔,在令人惊叹花园校园中接受当今世界最先进教育理念。

AISL Outdoor Summer Camps @ Harrow Bangkok  is located at a lakeside in the capital district of Nongman Receive the most advanced educational concepts in the world today in an amazing garden campus



AISL Outdoor Summer Camps @Harrow Appi AISL Outdoor Summer Camps @Harrow Appi, Japan is located in the mountains of Iwate Prefecture Experience exceptional education in a unique natural environment


@哈罗香港 卓越成长,培养社会企业家精神,香港作为世界上首屈一指的商业、文化和贸易的中心,在得天独厚的商业“土壤”中开展体验式商业挑战,从真实商业情境中学会独立思维,决策判断,全局统筹,培养孩子领导力、无限创造力、应对挫折和与人谈判等未来企业家必备的能力。为未来职业赋能,让他们足以应对商业竞争中的重重挑战。


√ 孩子们将通过团队协作在已知或未知的挑战中筹措“资金”完成项目

√ 真实还原商业环境,从创意想法、制定商业计划、建立产品原型再到最终路演展示,每一步都深入其中

√ 学习从创造力、可行性和积极影响多重维度深化企业概念、定制商业计划

√ 通过一系列模拟企划活动,培养孩子项目管理、分析并解决问题、沟通表达等多重能力以及难能可贵的企业家精神

AISL Outdoor Summer Camps@Harrow Hong Kong 

Grow in excellence and foster social entrepreneurship

The Hong Kong summer camp programme comprises a series of team building activities which have been devised to nurture leadership and problem solving.  

Children will participate in real-life business simulations and will be challenged to brainstorm ideas, conduct feasibility studies and measure impact.  

The weeks activities will culminate in a final challenge where students will be set a business related challenge and will have the opportunity to demonstrate their new skills and understanding of the business world. 

Programme Highlights  

✓ Children will work in teams to "fund" a project

✓ There will be a realistic reenactment of the business environment for children to experience all steps of business planning; from idea creation, business development, product prototyping to final roadshow presentation

✓ Children will learn to explore their own business concepts and customise their business plans.  They will be encouraged to be creative, while taking into account feasibility and impact.  

✓ Through a series of simulated business planning activities, children will be nurtured in developing multiple skills including project management, communication, problem solving and analytical skills.





√ 深入当地社区,深入了解持续发展所面临的挑战

√ 亲手建造水下机器人,体验用科技实现可持续发展并利用废物创造性地解决各种问题

√ 以培养孩子优秀的领导力为目标,让他们将以往的学习内容和经验一一实践于探索活动当中

√ 通过一系列充满意义的活动,让孩子学会设定目标、量化学习、串联行动并达成结果

AISL Outdoor Summer Camps @ Harrow Bangkok

A study in nature to cultivate a forward-thinking character 

Set in the world’s most thriving economy and cosmopolitan city, what better place for students wishing to explore business than our Hong Kong Summer Camp.  While the city is the centre of business, culture and trade, our Summer Camp will be the centre for developing life long learners and social entrepreneurs.

The Hong Kong summer camp programme comprises a series of team building activities which have been devised to nurture leadership and problem solving.  Children will participate in real-life business simulations and will be challenged to brainstorm ideas, conduct feasibility studies and measure impact.  The weeks activities will culminate in a final challenge where students will be set a business related challenge and will have the opportunity to demonstrate their new skills and understanding of the business world. 

Programme Highlights  

✓ Children will interact with local communities to explore and engage in sustainability related challenges

✓ Children will participate in the SDG challenge through underwater agriculture tasks and build underwater robots that provide farming solutions

✓ Use waste to innovate and creatively solve problems

✓ Participate in sporting activities, while also developing social skills and team work

✓ Learn to set goals and build the discipline to achieve them

✓ Express oneself with confidence in a full English immersion camp





√ 多项技能培养,学习导航、野外急救、生存技能

√ 帮助孩子走出舒适区,学会直面挑战,克服困难

√ 让孩子远离城市的喧嚣,深入天然氧吧的原始大自然并完成登山挑战,强健体能的同时感知自然美好

√ 在团队合作中获得应对未知挑战时不可复制的体验,充分挖掘孩子的团队领导、协调调动、自我情绪管理等多重能力

AISL Outdoor Summer Camps@Harrow Appi, Japan 

An exploration into the Highland to build 


As one of Japan's top tourist destinations, the breathtaking natural beauty of Appi attracts countless people every year.  

The AISL Outdoor Summer Camp in Appi will give students the opportunity to explore the wonders of nature and experience adventures including night hiking, watching fireflies in the forest and enjoying the Milky Way on an astronomy course.

Students will be encouraged to explore their adventurous spirit which will help to build their confidence and give them a number of opportunities to develop team building and problem solving skills.   

Programme Highlights  

✓ Multi-skill development through participating in navigation activities, learning first aid and survival skills

✓ Children will step out of their comfort zone and learn how to face challenges and overcome difficulties

✓ Enjoy the beautiful outdoor environment, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and complete a mountain climbing challenge to strengthen physical fitness

✓ Embrace the many challenges presented by the great outdoors, helping children to gain experiences in dealing with unexpected challenges, and nurturing teamwork, leadership and self-awareness. 



While the theme and the camps’ locations vary from city to city

AISL Outdoor Summer Camps is managed by AISL Education Group

A world-class education that is future-forward

Equipped with state-of-the-art educational facilities and first-class educational standards

In the different themes and places of AISL Outdoor Summer Camps

Safety will always be our priority so our children can gain invaluable growth and experience



AISL incorporates well-designed and planned outdoor activities into its various programmes

Taking children away from the abstract perspective and learnings in textbooks and articles

Immersing them into a genuinely natural, regional, cultural and scientific setting

Through observation and reflection in group activities, these experiences are transformed into the ability to take action

Experience the world through a different lens to broaden one’s worldview

To truly acquire the skills necessary to be a young leader


Harrow School is a place where students are taken care of, housed and entertained.  All dormitories, facilities and programmes are unique to each Summer Camp, however the common factor is that children will be encourage to live, learn and play with their peers, while developing their own personal skills.   

AISL Outdoor Summer Camps provide an environment that cultivates motivation, courage, confidence, determination and strength. 


The mentors are friends of children and leaders who accompany them in their growth

AISL proudly presents its outstanding faculty that will facilitate in all our summer camps!

Our mentors are highly ethical, advanced and professional

The curriculum is developed and designed by two education experts with 60 years of experience

The teachers/instructors have more than 20 years of teaching experience and hold internationally stringent professional qualifications

Our amazing faculty is here to push your child to develop their physical and mental health, character and leadership skills from all aspects.



AISL Summer Outdoor Camp

Hong Kong, China, Bangkok, Thailand and Appi, Japan

And other domestic cities: Beijing, Chongqing, Haikou,Nanning, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhuhai

Different cities with different cultures, with different themes and different skills and abilities development

But with the same well-designed curriculum

We provide an equally exciting solution to your child’s summer in all of our different camps!

Sign your child up for AISL Outdoor Summer Camps in the location of your choice

Add endless fun to their summer time!






