At the beginning of the new year, we would like to share some good news with all our SUIS families. By the end of January, the Graduates of 2023 have received a total of 50 conditional and interview letters from universities in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia and Hong Kong(China).
每一封OFFER对我们来说都弥足珍贵,这是学生们和老师们携手努力的印证,也是对协和浦东三林办学质量的肯定。Every OFFER is precious to us. It is a testament to the joint efforts of students and teachers, and a confirmation of the quality of SUIS Pudong Sanlin Campus.
与此同时,我们的校园开放日也在紧锣密鼓地筹备着。欢迎有兴趣了解三林教学理念,课程设置和校园氛围的家长和学生们报名。We recommand that families who are intersted in our teaching philosophy, curriculum and campus environment join us at our Open Day event in March.
Scan the QR code to sign up.
See you in March@ SUIS Pudong-Sanlin Campus.