“很高兴看到我们 IG6 的孩子们和谐相处。他们是一个可爱、友好的集体。我们很幸运有关心我们孩子的优秀老师,期待新学期的开始!”
“我参加了国际班一年级的英语课程,MR. B通过《好饿好饿的毛毛虫》的故事,让同学们学习了语句、单词,并自己动手丰富了色彩,匹配了的语句和图片,制作了一张非常漂亮的大海报。在这过程中,小朋友不仅享受、学习了知识,也培养了大家的团队合作精神。”
Here at King’s College International School, Hangzhou, we place great importance on connecting and collaborating with our learning community. We were delighted to welcome our PAC to the school for a full day of collaborative lesson observations – the first of its kind at the school and a clear indicator of our commitment to increasing our close links with the school’s parent body.
The aim of the day was for school leaders and PAC members to observe a vast array of teaching across the school.
From IG1 to IG8, from English and Maths to P.E and Music, parents and staff observed over 20 lessons. Not only did the day allow parents to gain crucial insight into the mechanics of the International School classroom, but it also allowed school leaders to work in conjunction with our parent body to help develop the teaching and learning in our school: using invaluable feedback to grow and improve as a team and as educator.
The benefits of parent involvement in their child’s educational experience have been clearly established. A growing body of research shows that successful parent involvement enhances a plethora of different aspects, including developing a positive school culture, student achievement and, most importantly, student well-being. Effective parent engagement is beneficial to successful student learning and well-being outcomes. Genuine parent engagement exists when parents and teachers have a meaningful relationship focused on maximising the child’s learning experience.
These Academic Classroom Visits allow parents to experience and understand what is happening in their children’s classrooms. They also serve to strengthen the bond within King’s College International school's learning community. Parents receive background information on what is being taught in class and what to look for and then visit participating classrooms with a guided observation tool and school leader. The visits provide valuable feedback to teachers and administrators and help parents better understand classroom instruction and expectations.
Words From Parents
"It was wonderful to see how well our children in IG6 work together in harmony. They are a lovely, friendly group. We are blessed with brilliant teachers who care about our kids and I look forward to the new semester.”
“I participated in the English course of the first grade of the international class. Mr. B let the students learn the sentences and words through a story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterplillar’, and enriched the colors by themselves, matched the sentences and pictures, and made A very nice big poster. In the process, let the children enjoy knowledge and cultivate everyone's teamwork spirit.”
“The lesson observation was a great experience for me to better understand the students’ school activities. The classrooms are well equipped to serve various topics. The teachers are professional and friendly. I was very impressed with how the teachers use different approaches to engage students including individual and team projects. The students have lots of fun while learning!”