成都康礼学校:BPHO物理高级挑战赛 2金1银1铜

来源:成都康礼学校 2023-03-21 59个人阅读

成都康礼学校:BPHO物理高级挑战赛 2金1银1铜                继近日英国G5超级精英大学伦敦大学学院顶尖化学、药理学专业录取的喜讯之后,有牛剑标配赛之称的BPhO英国物理奥赛的竞赛成绩新鲜出炉,成都康礼学校AS年级学子再传捷报,唐JY、蒋DT、邓YJ、彭P四位同学获得2金1银1铜的优异成绩,全球金奖比例仅为5%!祝贺同学们!


Following the recent good news about the acceptance of top chemistry and pharmacology majors at University College London, a super elite G5 university in the UK, the results of the BPhO British Physics Olympiad, known as the standard competition for Oxbridge admission, have been freshly released, and the AS students of Cogdel School Chengdu have once again received excellent results, with four students, Tang JY, Jiang DT, Deng YJ and Peng P, winning two gold, one silver and one bronze medal, with a global gold medal percentage of only 5%! Congratulations to them!
成都康礼学校:BPHO物理高级挑战赛 2金1银1铜


BPhO(British Physics Olympiad)全称为英国物理奥林匹克竞赛。始于1979年,由牛津大学、英国物理学会和Odgen基金会组成,办公室设在牛津大学物理系,以其严格而专业的考试体系和考察标准而备受全球知名大学的广泛认可,竞赛成绩优异者将极大地增加世界名校理工科专业申请优势,剑桥大学在官方学术活动清单中,将BPhO列为推荐项目。从不完全统计数据来看,70%物理和工程系牛剑offer-holder都有过BPhO竞赛经历,可见该奖项的含金量之高。


BPhO Intermediate Physics Challenge(英国物理思维挑战赛中级):

建议IG年级学生参加 Recommended for IG (or equivalent) 

BPhO Senior Physics Challenge(英国物理思维挑战赛高级):

建议AS年级学生参加Recommended for AS (or equivalent) 

BPhO Round1&Round2(英国物理奥林匹克正赛)

BPhO is the British Physics Olympiad. It was founded in 1979 by the University of Oxford, the British Physical Society and the Odgen Foundation, with offices in the Department of Physics at the University of Oxford. The University of Cambridge has included the BPhO in its official list of academic activities, and from the incomplete statistics, 70% of physics and engineering Oxbridge offer-holders have had experience with the BPhO competition, demonstrating the high value of the award.



全球金奖 Gold:总分排名前 5%

全球银奖 Silver:总分排名前 15%

全球铜奖 Bronze Ⅰ:总分排名前 30%

全球铜奖 Bronze Ⅱ:总分排名前 45%

The Challenge is an extension and enhancement of GCSE and AS level knowledge and is designed to test students' ability to apply what they have learnt in the subject of Physics and to explore their potential in Physics.

Awards (separate awards for Intermediate & Advanced).

Global Gold: Top 5% overall

Global Silver: Top 15% of the total score

Global Bronze Award Bronze I: Top 30% overall

Global Bronze II: Top 45% of total points



According to Lu Ping, Assistant Principal of Cogdel School Chengdu, one of the key elements of undergraduate applications to prestigious UK and US schools is academic or general awards. The school's further education planning service has been extended from AS to P9 this semester, through further education classes, ECA courses and one-to-one interviews, and the establishment of students' personal further education tracking files. The program provides students with personalized background planning for activities, competitions, research and summer school projects. In terms of competition programs, the University Guidance Office has now introduced over 50 international competitions, divided into four levels, covering modules in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computing, business (economics) and general humanities, to help students improve their overall background.

Congratulations to the above four students, and we look forward to seeing them shine in more competitions!
