来自全球20个国家和地区的235支队伍参加。中国代表队参加了六个赛道中的五个,成绩斐然,在其中的三个赛道获得了全球最高奖项。具体获奖名单已在官网aiglobalimpactfestival.org公布。美国Lee Academy高级中学学生Athena郎悦名和其队友在中国区学生作品预选赛中荣获AI影响力创造者赛道(Impact Creator)13-18岁组第一名!
首届英特尔AI全球影响力嘉年华,旨在通过人工智能创新来享受和丰富生活,活动将持续至10月31日,来自中国高校和中学的师生代表一共有28此外,英特尔AI全球影响力嘉年华还为全球观众提供了超过25场来自英特尔和行业专家的AI 技术和影响力主题演讲,各国政府组织的全球最佳实践,和各类微课程及研讨会,并提供给爱好AI的年轻人一个跨国交流学习的平台。迄今为止已有来自127个国家的8万余人参加嘉年华活动。
1. Q: When and why did you first become interested in programming and AI?
A: I started programming when I was in 6th grade because of my dad's influence on me. At first, I had no idea what programming is, but I liked games. So my dad told me to give it a try and said games work because of the existence of codes. After a while of studying, I found that programming is like... magic. Basically, everything now could be based on programming - social media, searching engines, games... Programs are a huge part of our lives, and it would be better to have some kind of control over it, in case it goes against us.
2. Q: Where did you discover the idea for your AI project? What was the inspiration?
A: To be honest, I personally want to study psychology in the future and want to get a job in this field. Because of this reason, I was taking psychology courses during the summer and during school year. I learned about Autism, I figured that there are a great percentage of people in the world have this disorder. And it would cause them social problems and make their lives harder. So I tend to help them by using AI.
3. Q:What do you see as the future role of AI in the world?
A: AI is actually learning in a really fast speed. So I believe in the future, our world can somehow be like in some sci-fi movies, full of AI robots or some sort. But this is not going to happen in my life-time I guess. Even it's evolving really fast, it still seems slow in our perspective. We're not going to wake up the second and seeing robots everywhere on the street. But when People in the future look back at this time period of history, they are going to say that AI is developing as QUICK as it can.
4. Q: Are your long-term education and career goals in AI and programming? If so, why? If not, what are your goals for the future?
A: If possible, I would be in the field of psychology for my future career. But currently, I am still working on this project to keep it going. Maybe in the future, not just for ASD patients. My goal for studying psychology is to help people from their disorders, because there are a lot of people who have or had mental disorders. I wasn't able to do anything to help them, but I wish to, and that is why helping people with psychological disorders is my goal for my future career.
5. Q: What skills did you learn in preparation for this competition that are transferable to other parts of your life?
A:Even though this was an AI contest, we still have to turn in a whole set of proposal. So one thing I think is really important for my future life is the ability to write proposals and to present them to others in the most convincing way. I also learned to be as professional as possible.
英特尔的宗旨是"创造改变世界的技术,丰富地球上每个人的生活"。英特尔通过其全球数字准备计划(Intel Digital Readiness Program)来实现这一目标,该计划的关键内容之一就是为帮助青少年提升面向未来的关键技术和社交技能,以助力数字经济的蓬勃发展。今年恰逢世界上第一颗微处理器芯片-Intel4004诞生50周年,科技改变生活,而教育让这一精神薪火相传。让我们再次恭喜我校获奖学生以及其他各个获奖队伍,并和他们一起行动起来!