前不久,哈罗学子们齐聚一堂 领略新春气氛,传扬传统文化 数千年中华文明之精髓, 与450年哈罗历史底蕴, 会碰撞出怎样的火花? 看各校区联袂为你精彩呈现! The memories are still so vivid of our international Harrovians gathering to celebrate the Spring Festival and our cultural traditions. So how did we celebrate the thousands of years of Chinese civilisation and Harrow’s 450-year-old heritage? Let’s find out how it went on different campuses. AISL哈罗重庆 Harrow Chongqing AISL哈罗珠海 Harrow Zhuhai AISL哈罗海口 Harrow Haikou AISL哈罗深圳 Harrow Shenzhen AISL哈罗南宁 Harrow Nanning AISL哈罗上海 Harrow Shanghai Scroll to read more↓ 携勇气登场, 神采奕奕迎新年! 勇于展示才艺与个性,是我们哈罗人的特质 民族乐器和管弦合唱团同台演出 中国舞、武术、相声都不在话下 只因“哈罗达人秀”每天都在校园里上演! Courageously on the stage for the Chinese New Year revelry The courage to manifest one’s talents and individuality is a quality shared by international Harrovians. Folk instrumentalists, orchestras and choirs took the stage that was also graced by Chinese dance, martial arts, and crosstalk performances. After all, "Harrow's Got Talent" is on show every day. 虎年第一“秀”,我要闪耀全场! The first show in the Year of Tiger, I have to shine on the stage! 穿着中华传统服饰跟大家一起合唱的感觉真奇妙! It feels wonderful to sing together in traditional Chinese attires. 悠扬的古筝声声入耳,古韵一秒入魂…... Melodious guzheng in ears, ancient rhymes in the soul. 中国舞,最重要的就是神韵! Enlivening the spirit is key to traditional Chinese dance. 聚气凝神,女生也可以大“飒”四方! Hold your breath. A cool girl is on the stage. 说学逗唱,我也可以样样精通! I’m the little mister know-it-all when it comes to comic speeches. 与伙伴们一起击响中国精神! Together we pound to manifest the Chinese spirit! 换上旗袍style,带你领略优雅乐章 Learn to master this graceful musical instrument in qipao. 海上生明月,天涯共此时 The bright moon over the sea shines upon this precious moment of ours. 亲身实践, 畅游传统文化“万花筒” 做灯笼、包饺子、写春联, 在创作中收获成就感 穿汉服、品茶香、玩皮影戏, 在实践中感受中华文化魅力 看,来自世界各地的同学们都乐在其中! A immersive voyage through cultural traditions We gain a profound sense of accomplishment from creative activities such as lantern craft, dumpling making, and spring couplet calligraphy. Through Cultural rituals such as wearing hanfu, tea ceremonies, shadow puppet performances and other workshops, students across AISL Harrow Schools feel the charisma of Chinese culture. 今天我也是小名旦! Today I am one of the best actors in the Beijing Opera! 一笔一划里,都是我们对新年的美好祝愿! Every stroke warmly expresses our Chinese New Year wishes. 皮影戏“幕后”的秘密都被我掌握啦! Without a double, I see through the shadows of these shadow puppets. 原来品茶还有这么多讲究! There is so much to learn in a tea ceremony! 包饺子也没有想象中那么难嘛! Making dumplings is easier than I thought. 看看哪位老师的饺子包得最好看? Which teacher makes the best dumplings? 写下“福”字,期待福至! I am writing down blessings so that blessings would come to us! 锵锵!手工虎年限定版灯笼完成! Tada, a limited-edition handmade tiger ornament is done! 全神贯注,我也要剪出美美的窗花! Stay focused, and I want to cut out nice patterns for the window! 交作业,祝福和剪纸在一起最配啦! Here comes a delicate paper cutting piece packed with blessings! 捏泥人可比橡皮泥好玩多啦! Crafting clay dolls is way more fun than play clay! 戴上我们自己画的脸谱面具,一起迎接新年! It’s us under our self-painted masks as we celebrate the Chinese New Year. 自己做的“冰糖葫芦”新鲜又美味! Sugar-coated haws freshly made by me are yummy. 大家一起举杆子就能让龙“飞上天”啦! Together we raise the cups to let the dragon fly in the sky! 学习武术的第一步是懂得尊重彼此! The first rule of martial arts is to respect one another. 投壶真有趣,怪不得在古时候深受欢迎…… Throwing arrows into a pot is so much fun; no wonder it used to be so popular in ancient times. 携手互助迎新年, 热闹联结你我他! 辞旧迎新可不能少了任何一个人 与同学和老师一起逛庙会, 打卡“哈罗之友”家长们精心布置的摊位 哈罗大家庭在一起 就有我们的专属新春氛围感! We welcome the new year – united in heart. Out with the old, and in with the new. Join our teachers and international Harrovians at the temple fair, visit the beautifully-ornamented stalls by the Harrow parents, and immerse yourself in the warm, festive atmosphere at AISL Harrow Schools. 好闺蜜就要一起穿汉服,逛庙会! Good friends wear hanfu and visit the temple fair together! 嗷呜~虎年一起虎虎生威! Roar! It’s the year of the tiger, and vigour is in the air! 解锁参加庙会新方式——成为摊位中的一个! Unlock a new way to participate in the temple fair - be one of them! 这个灯谜我知道! I know the answer to the riddles under the lanterns! 和老师比比看,谁套圈儿更厉害? Compete with the teachers; who is better at throwing ferrules? 逛一趟庙会,收获满满! A detour around the temple fair is super rewarding! 十分钟速成剪纸不是梦! 10-minute paper cutting is not a dream. 中国年,连糖画都得是龙的图案! Here’s a dragon in the candy! 让我来看看跳蚤市场摊位有没有我想要的东西! There must be something I can buy at the market! 闭上眼睛,等老师为我惊喜“变脸”! Close your eyes. Teachers are putting Chinese opera-style make-up on our faces. 开启2022新篇章之际, 让我们一起期待 在AISL哈罗学校校园中, 谱写更多精彩故事!