City official Gu Honghui(顾洪辉是市政府副秘书长、市疫情防控工作领导小组办公室主任) said Shanghai was divided into 7624 areas that were still sealed off,with a group of 2460 now subject to “controls” after a week of no new infections,and 7565 “prevention areas” to be opened after two weeks without a positive case.(上海市官员顾洪辉表示,上海被划分为7624个仍被封控的区域;在一周内没有新增感染病例的2460个区域目前处于“控制/管控”状态;而在两周内没有新增病例后,7565个“预防/防范区”将开放。)
Those in “prevention areas” who move around their neighbourhoods must observe social distancing and could be sealed off again if there are new infections,Gu added.(他还说,那些在“预防区”附近活动的人必须遵守社交距离,如果有新的感染,可能会再次被封控。)
其实,在4月9日的市疫情防控工作新闻发布会上,宗明副市长已经就这一方案作了预先通报,拟再开展一次全员核酸检测,根据检测结果分析研判,实施分区分级差异化防控,依据风险程度的大小,按照“三区划分”原则,进行阶梯式管理。当天下午,上海日报(Shanghai Daily)作了报道:
Another round of citywide polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests will be launched. Based on the results and risky levels,local areas will be classified as “locked-down”“controlled”or “precautionary”, Shanghai vice mayor Zong Ming said.(另一轮全市范围内的核酸检测即将启动。上海市副市长宗明表示,根据检测结果和风险水平,本市区域将被划分为“封控”、“管控”和“防范/预防”三类。)
路透社用了动词词组seal off,义为“封锁、密封、封闭”,此处译成“封控”更妥,“封控区”可译成sealed-off area。上海日报则用了locked-down ,动词的过去分词作形容词,义为“锁定的,锁住的”,locked-down area 就是“封控区”的意思。
当然,“封控”这个概念也可用close off 来表达,如“封控管理”,英语就是 closed-off management。例如:
The whole university campus will continue to implement closed-off management until further notice,local health authorities announced Monday.(卫生权威部门周一宣布,整个大学校园将继续实行封控管理,直至另行通知。)
The subway station where the explosion occurred was closed off by New York police.(爆炸发生的地铁站被纽约警察封锁起来了。)
因此,“封控区”也可译成closed-off area。
“管控区”比较容易翻译,可译成 controlled area。笔者记得,2010年上海世博会现场的若干区域被划定为管控区,相应的英语标识就是大字号的Controlled Area。
“防范区”可译成precautionary area(上海日报)或者prevention area(路透社)。前者形容词做定语,后者名词也可做定语(路透社)。
差异化防控differentiated prevention and control
足不出户、服务上门stay at home(或stay indoors), door-to-door service(或visiting service,或on-the-spot service)
7天居家健康监测to conduct a weeklong self-health monitoring at home.
人不出小区、严禁聚集 People are not allowed to leave the compound and gathering is strictly restricted/prohibited.
解除封控,调整为防范区Remove the containment and adjust to the precautionary area/zone.
做好个人防护handle personal protection well
线上就诊、线下配药online medical treatment and offline drug dispensing
分时有序、分区限流time-sharing and orderly,zoning flow limit
在指定地点无接触式领取配送物资to receive/pick up contactlessly the distributed materials from designated areas(动宾结构) 或contactless pickup of the allocated materials from designated areas(名词词组)