SUIS Qingpu Student receives offer from the University of Cambridge!
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High School Graduates
和而不同 协力创新
We wish to congratulate student Bill Huang from SUIS Qingpu’s High School for receiving an offer from the University of Cambridge’s Magdalene College to read Natural Sciences (Biology)!
University Admissions
News from SUIS Qingpu’s
High School
和而不同 协力创新
We wish to also congratulate all the students from our very first graduating cohort, the Class of 2023, as 35 students have received 81 offers and 12 interview invitations from top universities in the UK, USA, Australia, Japan, Switzerland and Hong Kong SAR. Recent offers have also included some from the G5 group of UK universities such as University College London and the University of Edinburgh. Courses and majors for offers received thus far include the humanities, education, science, engineering, management, economics, music, and art & design. These achievements serve to further demonstrate that SUIS Qingpu’s High School is on the right track regarding our learning and curricular environment as well as our provision of a holistic and challenging education.
和而不同 协力创新
We are very proud of the way that our students have grown and developed, and we are ecstatic about their transition into a new, exciting chapter of their lives. We would like to take this opportunity again to applaud all our students, and to thank their teachers and parents for their tremendous efforts and willingness to support each child’s education at our school.