2023届上海康德双语实验学校毕业生G5Offer比率高达43%!祝贺我校Rita Fang同学收获伦敦大学学院的Offer!Jimmy Jin同学收获香港大学的Offer! Ben Jiao同学收获帝国理工大学的面试邀请!
Congratulations to Rita Fang who has received an offer from University College London, Jimmy Jin who has received an offer from University of Hong Kong and Ben Jiao who has received an invitation to interview from Imperial College London!
So far, the graduates of 2023 cohort have received 18 conditional offers and interview invitations from University of Cambridge, University of Oxford, Imperial College London, University College London, University of Bristol, University of Manchester,University of Hong Kong and other top universities. 5 of 14 graduates were invited to interview at Cambridge and Oxford, the proportion took up to 36%, and the proportion of graduates who got the conditional offers and interview invitations from G5 universities is as high as 43%!
The major covers Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Human, Social, and Political Sciences, Economics, Chemistry, Economics and Management, Planning and Real Estate, Business Management,Media and etc.
For the students of Grade 10 and Grade 11, we are continually providing Future Learning Guidence. Our College Counsellor has been keeping one-on-one communication and guidance with students, helping them prepare for winter vacation and confirm their future college majors for the next application period!