广州美国人外籍人员子女学校New Year, New Rams!

来源:AISG广州美国人外籍人员子 2023-02-03 59个人阅读

广州美国人外籍人员子女学校New Year, New Rams!

广州美国人外籍人员子女学校New Year, New Rams!

This week marked the first week of semester two for our students, which means we welcomed new families into our AISG community! We are pleased that our enrollment for the 2022-2023 continues to be our highest enrollment to date. At AISG, we aim for a smooth transition, especially for those who join us mid-year. To help these new students and families, we offer multiple orientation events for both students and parents alike.

In Elementary, we held our new family mid-year orientation parent coffee and campus tour on Monday. It was a great opportunity for our students and parents to learn their way around our campuses and familiarize themselves before new students started on Tuesday.

广州美国人外籍人员子女学校New Year, New Rams!

In Secondary, administration hosted our new parent orientation and provided helpful information, as well as welcomed new parents to our community! Our counselors also helped new students with a half a day session before they started their classes to help familiarize students with the campus and answer any questions. Lower Secondary new students were also invited to join a pizza lunch, where they could get together and enjoy some delicious lunch while getting to know each other.

At AISG, we understand that being a new student requires specialized support and our counseling program helps to nurture students and helps with these important transitions. Click ‘Read More’ to learn more about our guidance program that is founded on the belief that positive relationships and personal well-being underpin academic access.