
来源:WLSA上海学校 2023-02-21 59个人阅读




2023春季学期之初,WLSA上海学校收到了来自Mr. Tony Little的鼓励、叮咛与祝福。

1Tony Little校长开学演讲

Mr. Tony Little于2018年起担任WLSA上海学校的外方校长。在此之前,他在英国著名的男子学校——伊顿公学担任了13年的校长。

以下为Mr. Tony Little开学演讲文字翻译:











Hello. It's very good to have the opportunity to speak to you all. Here we are at the halfway point of the school year. I hope you've had a very good break and are ready for this next semester. But before we turn to the future, let me just for a moment celebrate what you have achieved over this last semester.

It’s been a challenging time as so often in recent years, particularly with the effects of the pandemic. But you've shown remarkable character and resilience to achieve what you have achieved and to reach the stage you're at now.

I don't say this lightly. I see schools all around the world. There are far too many examples where teaching has been slack, and online education hasn't worked. More to the point, after the pandemic all clear has sounded, the schools haven't got back into the swing of things. It is hugely important that school communities do this and each and every one of us has a part to play.

So we move on to the spring semester. This is a very busy period during the school year. Final preparations for those of you who will leave school in the summer, for your AP exams, for a level. It's a very tense time sometimes for students, and it's important. You will work hard. You  know the significance of achieving good grades. It doesn't need me to spell it out to you.

But even to those of you who are in your final hectic term, it is also the case that you need to keep balance in your life. A balance between study and social life. Mental health issues are real. We all have a responsibility to look after our own mental health by taking a balanced view of life and not becoming obsessed by academic achievement. Academic achievement is no good at all if you don't have the will and the character and the desire and the freshness of spirit to make something of your achievement.

So how do you do that? Well, you do it by staying involved in other activities in school through your sports or other activities, by looking after your friends, by asking teachers for help, by being careful that you allocate time effectively to your work and not obsessively. I can't stress how important this is, that the balance in your life is the most important thing. I say this partly because as I look back, I realized it took me a long time properly to appreciate this. When I was your age, I felt the pressures of academic life of university entrance, of getting a job intensely as did all my friends. And now we look back and we realized that the people who have truly succeeded have been those who from an early age were able to keep things in perspective.

I wish you every possible success with your final work in your final term for those of you who are taking your exams, and I wish continuing success for every other student in the school. Take note now, build a healthy, positive, all embracing attitude to life, and don't be fixated on one thing.

I wish you every possible success as you strive towards the WLSA school mission which was created to be and still is that all our students should become people who can contribute to our life as a global community, that you think of your family, your town, your city, your country, but you have the capacity to think broadly and see yourselves as citizens of the world, and this is an active state of being. It means listening and trying to understand other people's points of view, not just shouting or making speeches. It means accommodating difference and being prepared to come alongside people of very different backgrounds and ideas. You have a remarkable opportunity in WLSA to achieve all these things.

And I genuinely wish you every possible success, every possible satisfaction and happiness as a consequence of the way you go about achieving success.

Good luck.







