
来源:广州暨大港澳子弟学校 2023-03-22 59个人阅读

广州暨大港澳子弟学校:“校长推荐计划”成功签约                2023年3月21日上午,香港恒生大学何顺文校长一行13人莅临广州暨大港澳子弟学校,双方就“校长推荐计划”等合作内容签订合作备忘。广州市教育局国际交流合作处(港澳台事务办公室)二级调研员黄冕,暨南大学副校长洪岸,暨南大学港澳子弟学校理事长邓强光、副理事长董旭原以及广州学校总校长郑景亮、东莞学校总校长赖炳华、佛山学校(筹)总校长张晔等出席签约仪式。


On the morning of March 21, President Ho Shun Man of Hang Seng University of Hong Kong visited ASJ and signed a memorandum of understanding on a number of items includingthe Principal's Nomination Scheme. The signing ceremony was attended by Mr. Huang Mian from the Guangzhou Education Bureau, Ms. Hong An, Vice President of Jinan University, Mr. Lucas Deng, Executive Director of ASJ School Board, Mr. Dong Xu Yuan, Vice Director of the Board, Mr. Cheng King Leung, Chief Principal of ASJ Guangzhou, Mr. Jonathan Lai, Chief Principal of ASJ Dongguan and Mr. Zhang Ye, Chief Principal of ASJ Foshan.



President Cheng and President Ho gave a presentation on the mission of ASJ and HSU and an overview of the school respectively. They had a friendly exchange with the guests and discussed together the integration of basic education in Guangdong and Hong Kong and the interface between basic and higher education, laying the foundation for deeper cooperation between the two sides.

Afterwards, Principal Ho signed the Scheme on behalf of HSU with Mr. Deng, Executive Director of ASJ School Board. This is an important reflection of the high recognition of our school by the Hong Kong education sector. We believe that ASJ will have more cooperation and exchanges with Hong Kong universities in the future.


The Scheme means that senior students from the three ASJ schools in Guangzhou, Dongguan and Foshan will have the opportunity to receive conditional offers from HSU, and those who receive such offers will be admitted to the university on more favourable terms.


The day coincided with the launch of the ASJ STEAM Festival, the guests attended the opening ceremony and watched the competition together. They praised the students for their innovative spirit and creativity, encouraged them to keep up the good work and strive for their dreams.


The signing ceremony was attended by Liang Yan, Hou Hongwei from Jinan University, Xu Yihong, Chen Weisen, Fang Zixun, and Cao Hong from HSU, as well as relevant staff from the Guangzhou, Dongguan and Foshan (Preparatory) Schools of ASJ.