3月29日,我们迎来了本学期的首场大使讲座。原中华人民共和国驻加蓬共和国特命全权大使, 中国资深外交官、外交部翻译专家孙继文大使以“‘一带一路’倡议为你带来无限的发展机遇”为主题,从古至今帮助同学们深刻理解了“一带一路”倡议的意义和目的,也让大家更加了解当前国际形势。
上学期,北京王府公益基金会、北京王府学校、外交礼宾服务中心达成战略合作, 共同举办“未来外交官”青少年外交人才培养系列活动,通过大使进校园系列讲座,以及使馆、文化中心、国际组织实地参访系列活动,推动国际理解教育实践探索。
On March 29, Beijing Royal School hosted a lecture of the ‘Ambassadors Attend Campus’ Series of Activities and welcomed Ambassador Sun Jiwen to our campus. Ambassador Sun Jiwen is the former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Republic of Gabon, a senior Chinese diplomat and expert translator for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His presentation was themed ‘The Belt and Road Initiative Brings Infinite Opportunities.’ BRS senior- and junior-high students attended the lecture, and students from BRS’s branch campuses in Dalian, Chengdu and Yuncheng also participated via video link.
Ambassador Sun provided an inspiring lecture about the importance of possessing diplomacy skills especially with the development of the Belt and Road Initiative and the increasing globalization. He told our students that key qualities a diplomat should possess will include global mindedness and loyalty to the country, as well as necessary multi-linguistic competence.
In the interactive Q&A session, students actively interacted with, asking questions such as, “How should I study if I want to work in an African country?” and “How should I learn if I want to expand the boundaries of my language?” Ambassador Sun praised our students for their international perspectives and unique insights.
Developing diplomacy skills reflects on BRS's guidelines on fostering international talents, as we strive to prepare our students to thrive in the international arena, to share the stories of China and to assume their place as guardians of the future. The school focuses on strengthening the education for international understanding by inviting diplomats on campus to give lectures, hiring senior diplomats to preside over student development, as well as organizing various campus activities such as international events and debate competitions.
Last year, Beijing Royal School established a strategic partnership with the Diplomatic Protocol Service Center and Beijing Royal Charity Foundation in a joint effort to promote the Youth Education for International Understanding and the Training of the Future Diplomats Talent. We are confident that the concerted efforts of the three parties will better promote BRS to achieve its school goal.