2020 年 12 月 5 日,捷报传来!北京王府学校初中部毛鸿铭、高子奥、陈思宇、聂天垚四位同学凭借“大选防作弊”项目,荣获 2020 年第三届世界青少年人工智能竞赛(WAICY)初中组银奖,向世界展示了北京王府学校的 AI 教育成果!
▲WAICY 大赛线上公布王府初中组获奖
此次北京王府学校共派出 8 个人工智能项目参赛。小学部共派出“城市智能送快递”、“城市智能垃圾分类”、“智能援救”、“农场智能小管家”和“智能导游” 5 组项目。初中部共派出 “大选防作弊”、“智慧医院”、“智能管家”3 组项目。
受疫情影响,本次大赛采取线上形式进行,总决赛现场通过 YouTube 平台全球同步直播。
2020 年美国大选结果延后公布,选票真实性颇受争议。由于疫情影响,许多选民选择邮寄投票增加了票数统计所需时间,也难以考究选民身份真实性。
世界青少年人工智能竞赛(WAICY)由全球人工智能与计算机科学排名第一的美国卡耐基•梅隆大学(CMU)主导。本次竞赛由美国 K12 人工智能教育委员会主席 & CMU 的人工智能领域前沿人物、资深教授 Dr.David S.Touretzky 担纲评委会主席,多位 CMU 人工智能资深教授和美国人工智能业界专家们担纲竞赛内容制订,是一场高水准、高规格的全球性 K12 人工智能竞赛。
Beijing Royal Foreign Language School Junior High students Ziao Gao, Siyu Chen, Hongming Mao and Tianyao Nie took home the Silver Award in The 2020 World Youth Artificial Intelligence Competition For Youth (WAICY) held December 5th, 2020. They participated in the middle school category and made a strong finish with their project titled “Prevention of Electoral Fraud”.
The 2020 WAICY is a renowned global competition hosted by K-12 AI education leader ReadyAI, in which hundreds of students and teams from different countries participate each year. It is supported by top scholars from Carnegie Mellon University and has received recognition from the City Council of Pittsburgh and the school districts in Pittsburgh. The competition was conducted via an online platform this year due to COVID-19, and the finals were livestreamed worldwide using the YouTube platform.
Our students showed amazing creativity and outstanding communication and cooperation skills, during the preparation of their project. Working together in a tense, yet fun and engaging atmosphere, Ziao Gao and Siyu Chen, with their strong hands-on skills, assumed the responsibility for drawing and creating the scenes; Hongming Mao, a real code-monkey with algorithms, tackled the code work; and Tianyao Nie, with his excellent communication skills, showcased the project.
Congratulations to our students on their impressive and admirable performance representing the achievements of AI education of Beijing Royal School!