Music Teacher of Grade 5
Mr. Aled Roberts
美国著名词作家Yip Harburg曾经说过,“文字能启发人思考,音乐能赋予人感受。一首歌则能让你在感受中思考。”一首好歌的魅力,完全不亚于一部经典文学作品,赏析歌曲所表达的情感,就像在细细品读一首诗歌、一部小说,引人深思。
最近,五年级的学生聚焦于学习音乐创作的方法和声乐表演。他们在课堂上欣赏了著名音乐制作人Alan Walker创作的一些音乐。
Alan Walker的音乐创作风格多为电子舞曲,节奏感强烈,深受学生们的喜爱。五年级大部分学生都已经听过他的一两首歌,所以每个班通过投票来决定他们最想学习Alan Walker的哪一首歌。
G5C1 - Alone II
G5C2 - Faded
G5C3 - Darkside
G5C4 - Alone
录制完成后,我把这些录好的音频导入音乐制作软件Logic Pro X里进行编辑,最终呈现的声音效果就如同学生们在专业的录音棚里录音一样。
G5C1 - Alone II
G5C2 - Faded
G5C3 - Darkside
G5C4 - Alone
我曾就读于英国斯坦福郡大学(Staffordshire University),当时教我们音乐的一位老教授早些时候在索尼音乐公司工作过,于是我向他寻求帮助。
老教授的一位仍然在索尼公司工作的朋友帮忙联系上了 Alan Walker 的经纪公司,于是我把学生们录制的表演视频发给了对方,同时表达了自己的一个小小心愿,那就是希望 Alan Walker 在看完所有的表演视频后可以为孩子们录制一段视频,给予他们更多的鼓励并且在音乐学习方面给出些许建议。
在为五年级特别举行的MV展示集会上,当Alan Walker 空降剧院大屏幕时,在场的同学们又惊又喜,各个伸出双手向我欢呼,‘ Mr. Roberts, you made it! You made it! ’
Alan Walker透过视频感谢同学们喜欢自己创作的音乐,同时也对大家的精彩演绎和音乐才华赞不绝口。他还为参与独唱或双人合唱表演的学生评选出以下三个奖项,这令获奖的同学们备受鼓舞!
最佳男歌手 —— Raymond T G5C1
最佳女歌手 —— Cindy Z G5C2
最佳表演者 —— Mia S G5C4
Mia S
德闳学校始终坚持为学生提供展示自己的平台,鼓励他们施展自己的才华和无限的创意。就像Mr. Roberts在这次单元学习中为愿意独唱或者双人合唱的同学留下表演的空间一样,只要你积极参与,老师和同学们都会为你助力。如果在演唱方面没有天赋,你也可以在作词、编曲、配乐等方面尽情发挥自己的才思。我们鼓励所有的同学都能在音乐和其他领域中找到自己所热爱的东西。
Famous American lyricist Yip Harburg once said "Words make you think. Music makes you feel. A song makes you feel a thought.” In grade 5 we have been looking at song lyrics and what they make us feel and think. Each person is different and has a unique story, this means when we hear music or understand the lyrics to a song, the message might be different for each person.
For this project we studied the music created by famous EDM artist Alan Walker. This artist was very popular among the students and so most of grade 5 had already heard at least 1 or 2 of his songs. Each class voted for which song they wanted to study, see the list below:
G5C1 - Alone II
G5C2 - Faded
G5C3 - Darkside
G5C4 - Alone
Once the students decided on which song we were going to study as a class, students would then volunteer themselves to sing a solo or duet. All students would sing the chorus lines, but the verse sections would be given to the students who stepped forward for a solo or duet. Over 2 or 3 weeks we practiced singing the song as a class, learnt how to perform music (Singing with your body) and recorded each student singing into a microphone.
These recordings were then put together in Logic Pro X and made to sound like they were recorded in a professional studio by myself. I think the end result was fantastic and the videos/recording really shows of the amount of talent we have in grade 5!
Lastly the students went back to the core theme of the project and analyzed the lyrics to the song each class chose. Each student would take a sentence or 2 and write down what the lyrics meant to them. As mentioned earlier that every person is unique, this meant that when some students chose the same sentence, their meanings were completely different. It was great to seeing what the students thought and seeing them connecting to music on an emotional level.
Finally, each class was filmed in a variety of locations around the school singing their song and holding up their sentence and meaning. The result from this was that each class had a music video at the end of the project and to celebrate their hard work.
Grade 5 students have now moved to the next unit to learn about the 4 chord foundation of pop music and to try new instruments and perform as a group.
Although we always come across a few challenges in each unit leaning, we gain a lot of laughters in the world of music.