
来源:上海闵行区民办德宏学校 2022-01-24 59个人阅读



在本篇短文中,让我们一起回顾12月购物方式小贴士,同时听一听学校全球公民负责人Mr. Elliot  Maclean 寄予我们的期望。

Living Sustainably is an important part of being a Global Citizen. Remembering that we are all interconnected, and that we have a responsibility to each other and the world we share, is our constant duty.

This month, we took part in Sustainable shopping, but that journey doesn't end just because the month does. We have a long road ahead of us to a place where we live lifestyles which are sustainable far into the future, and each and every person has an important part to play in it. 

In this short article we will take a look back at the tips from December, and hear from our Head of Global Citizenship, Mr. Elliot Maclean.

Elliot Maclean

Head of Global Citizenship




Monthly focus: Shop Sustainably


We are what we do, as the old saying goes, and a lot of what we do is buy. We live in a consumer society, we buy food, clothes, cars and bikes, furniture and much, much more. The choices we make about what we buy, how we buy, when we buy and where we buy from can have a huge impact on our local communities and the environment that we live in. This week’s focus is being a mindful, Sustainable shopper.


本月小贴士 1

Monthly Tip 1


Reusable shopping bags


Single use plastics have a terrible effect on our environment, taking hundreds of years or longer to degrade, being eaten by animals and fish, and ending up as microplastics in the food chains. Single use plastic bags account for a notable portion of single use plastics, and it is easy to stop your consumption of them. Choose to buy your own re-usable bags, ideally made of cotton or other fabric, and keep them in the boot of your car. You can fill them up more, you can use them many times (saving on the cost of reusable bags over time) and they can be washed easily if they ever get dirty. Think of your wallet as well as the environment and, this week, choose reusable bags. 


本月小贴士 2

Monthly Tip 2


Check the travel distance


The location of a seller can make a huge difference to how sustainable your shopping choices are. Often, you can get the same item from a local seller that you might be buying from thousands of kilometers away. When you can, check the distance an item will travel, and choose a seller as close as possible. On Taobao, for example, this is very easy! Just check the province the seller is located in. Shop consciously, save carbon, and save our beautiful planet. 


本月小贴士 3

Monthly Tip 3


Check your supplier reputation

环境和社会责任是许多大型企业越来越关注的一个重要问题,所以现在环境、社会和治理报告(ESG 报告)是许多大型企业集团参与的重要事项。查看你所计划购买产品的供应商信誉等级。如果他们的 ESG 实践情况较差【ESG是环境(Environmental)、社会(Social)和公司治理(Governance)的缩写】,为什么不考虑把你的钱花在做事积极可靠的供应商上呢?

Environmental and Social responsibility is a rapidly growing area of focus for many large business, so much so that Environmental, Social and Governance reporting (ESG reporting) is now something which many large groups take part in. When making a more expensive purchase, take the time to check the reputation of the supplier you plan to buy from. If they are less reputable for their ESG practice, why not consider a supplier who will do more positive things with your money?

本月小贴士 4

Monthly Tip 4


Buy second hand


When we purchase something new, another item will be made to replace the stock that has been sold by the company. This comes with all the associated resource use and carbon footprint of producing that item. Often, instead of buying new, we can buy a perfectly good item from someone else who is done using theirs! Not only does this have a lower carbon footprint and reduce resource use, but it also stops the second-hand item from becoming waste, and costs less money, too! Next time you buy, consider second-hand!

学校全球公民负责人 Mr. Elliot  Maclean 寄语

Message from  Mr. Elliot  Maclean







邮箱: Admissions-shmh@dehong.cn