2022 New Year with Love "Happy" charity sale with love and warmth 作为协和双语学校传统的跨年活动,有爱的新年更“HAPPY”慈善义卖活动已经持续了十四年,丰富学生生活的同时也让孩子们一同行走在“有爱的公益之路”上。每一年活动所得善款全部捐给上海协励汇社区志愿服务中心(简称“协励汇”),用于资助云南儿童的教育事业、开展“阳光协励金”青少年公益计划等各类公益活动。 As a traditional new year activity for all SUIS schools, the "Happy" Charity Sale has been occurring over the past 14 years. It not only enriches students' lives, but also allows children to walk on "the road of public welfare with love." All donations from each year's activities are donated to the Shanghai Xielihui Community Volunteer Service Center (hereinafter referred to as "Xielihui"), which uses the funds to enhance the education of children in Yunnan and to carry out various public welfare activities such as the “Sunshine Xielihui Fund" Youth Public Welfare Plan. 2022年新年之际,青浦协和迎来了第三届有爱的新年更“HAPPY”慈善义卖活动。本次义卖活动分为在线慈善拍卖会,爱心跳蚤市场和欢乐自由着装日三个板块,共同体现“关爱、分享、欢乐”的主题,用善举打造希望和温暖。 On the occasion of the 2022 new year, SUIS Qingpu Campus ushered in its 3rd "Happy" Charity Sale. The charity sale was comprised of three activities: An online charity auction; a “Love” flea market; and a “Happy” free dress day; together combining to reflect the theme of "love, sharing, and joy," and to create hope and warmth with charity. 在线慈善拍卖会由副校长葛顺勇与小学部副主任宋靓主持,隔着屏幕,也能感受到热烈的义拍氛围。一件件慈善拍品迅速地被拍下,这背后正是凝聚着家长们对慈善事业的热忱之心,承载着对云南孩子们的关怀和爱。 The online charity auction was hosted by Vice-Principal Mr Leo Ge and Deputy-Head of Primary School, Ms Michelle Song. Participants in the auction could feel the warmth, love and excitement come through the screen. 03 由于疫情原因,线下的爱心义卖活动延期至开学第二日举行。寒风细雨,丝毫不能抵挡青浦协和师生和家长们的热情。义卖当天是“欢乐自由着装日”,虎年元素的着装打扮,也成了一道独特的风景线。 Due to the pandemic, the offline charity sale activities were postponed to the second day of school. The cold wind and drizzle could not stop the enthusiasm of SUIS Qingpu teachers, students, and parents. The "Happy” free dress day, with many students dressing with Year with the Tiger elements, also became a unique and very memorable occasion. 小学和初中部的爱心跳蚤市场设置在室内体育馆内,各班级的家长志愿者精心布置了班级的义卖摊位,琳琅满目的义卖物品是由孩子们自发捐献的有意义的心爱物品。家长志愿者们更是使出浑身解数,努力售卖,还有很多孩子自发进入志愿者的队伍中,因为他们深知每卖出一件商品,就是多了一份爱心的力量。 The “Love” flea market hosted by our Primary and Middle School divisions took place in the indoor gymnasium. Parents and volunteers from each class carefully arranged their class’ charity stall. The flea market saw a wide range of meaningful and beloved items were voluntarily donated by students. 二楼共享大厅高中部的义卖现场也十分火爆,义卖摊位和售卖者全部都由学生自行承担。他们用绘画、卡通广告等方式,展示了各自的售卖策略,不仅吸引了同学们的眼球,还有许多老师们也前来光顾。 The High School division’s bazaar, occurring in the 2nd floor C-wing area, was also very popular. The students themselves bore the responsibility of running the bazaar stalls. Using paintings, cartoon advertisements and other sales strategies, the students not only attracted the attention of other students but also of many teachers. 此次慈善义卖共筹集善款318,556.83元人民币(线上义卖共筹集善款201,499.93元,线下义卖共筹集善款117056.9元),协励汇筹集到所有款项将全部捐赠到上海慈善基金会,用于帮助云南的的孩子们建图书馆、修操场、筹跑鞋、送上体育用品…… 每一位青浦协和的学子都收获了一份“荣誉捐赠证书”,这是他们用最真挚的心灵,去为远方的同龄人送一份温暖,献一份爱心的见证。每一位青浦协和的家长都为爱心义举助力,因为他们认同协和的教育理念,亲力亲为地支持学校的慈善事业。 Altogether, the charity sale raised a total of RMB318,556.83 (the online charity auction raised RMB201,499.93 while the offline charity activities raised RMB117,056.9). All charitable funds will be donated to the Shanghai Charitable Foundation to help children in Yunnan build libraries, repair playgrounds, and buy running shoes and sporting goods. Every student at SUIS Qingpu received a "Certificate of Honour" for their efforts and donations, a way of thanking them for their sincere hearts and for sending warmth and love to their peers far away. We are thankful that every parent at SUIS Qingpu contributed to the charity not only because of their alignment with SUIS Qingpu’s educational philosophy but also for personally supporting the charity activities of the school. 爱心凝聚力量,希望成就未来.2022有爱新年更“Happy”慈善义卖,有爱有温度。愿我们的爱心,能让云南的孩子与我们在同一片蓝天下健康快乐成长。 Love gathers strength and hope as we together achieve a bright future through the 2022 New Year's “Love” and "Happy" charity sale. May our combined love enable the children of Yunnan to grow up healthily and happily with us under the same blue sky. 供稿 / 余晨丽 翻译/ 李杨 英文校对:Lauren / Adam 鸣谢:5A周泽安妈妈 5B陶韵如妈妈 上海青浦区协和双语学校 SUIS Qingpu Campus 上海市青浦区业锦路32号 No. 32, Yejin Road, Qingpu, Shanghai 021-59788660 网站 WEBSITE: https://qingpu.suis.com.cn 抖音 TikTok: SUISQP 哔哩哔哩 bilibili: 青浦协和 Please follow our WeChat