上海浦东民办万科学校作为一所浸润式双语教学特色学校,培养学生5C5R优秀品格是学校、老师、家长的共同目标和使命。为满足家长高涨的学习热情与需求,VSP“家长学院”在开学初期为家长带来了一场精彩的讲座《成功的学习模式》Successful Studying and Learning styles.
Our goal as educators is not just to teach students in their day to day studies, but to ensure that they retain the information throughout their lives. The home study environment is a crucial place for the reinforcement of concepts that the learners are introduced to during their academic learning time in class, however, most parents are not shown how to provide a good quality space for students to work or how to help them study effectively according to their child’s specific learning styles.
主讲人|Cody Giannotti
Our Parent Academy course on “Successful Studying and Learning Styles” is designed to expose our families to the various way that different children learn and how to introduce study techniques at home which are tailored specifically to each student’s individual learning style. Building custom routines and environments that connect the student’s in-class learning with their home study reinforcement in a way that is interesting and engaging for their specific style of learning, creates a more efficient learning system and reduces the amount of time needed for the student to acquire the information. It is our hope that by training the parents and families of our students, not only will it help the children succeed in class, but also build better relationships within the families and with our teachers and our school for many years to come.
Standard Study Methods
Multiple Intelligences
The “Big Five”
MBTI Personality Type
05了解学生学习模式Discovering Your Student's Learning Style
文字提供 | Cody Giannotti
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