对于刚进入一年级的孩子们而言,适应小学的学习节奏常常充满挑战。为了让孩子们更自信地开始融合课程的学习,康德双语的外教老师们十分注重为学生创造“comfortable environment”,通过情景教学让孩子们逐步适应全英文的学习环境。
负责一年级融合课程教学的Ms. Natasha Steyn表示,每年的新生中都会有对英语不太自信的孩子。在教学过程中,她会有意识地让学生以小组进行活动,当孩子们与同龄人在一起时,他们会感到放松,和伙伴一起玩,和伙伴一起学,经过一年的课程学习,孩子们对英语表达的自信逐步建立起来。

5C班的杜澍同学四年前刚刚转入康德双语小学部时,也曾担心过自己能否跟上外教老师们的进度。如今,五年级的他已经成为了同学们口中的“单词达人”,更在GL Assessment测试中取得了相当于国外16岁英语母语学生的成绩。 “
Ms. Sandra Lopez表示,五年级的同学们口语水平都十分优秀,但有时他们也依赖老师们的意见,不擅于表达自己的想法。因此在课堂中,老师们会引导大家进行自我评价与同学互评,并通过不同形式的学习主题,让孩子们用英文锻炼解决问题的能力。
From the General Knowledge Competition, Spelling Bee, to the nationwide ESDP, our Primary School pupils keeps challenging themselves in a variety of English competitions.
At SCBS, our integrated English curriculum helps children adapt to the immersive English learning environment and prepares them for a life studying abroad.
The Comfortable Learning Environment
For the new grade one pupils, it is always quite challenging to get used to the learning pace in primary school. At SCBS Primary School, our expat teachers value the importance of creating a comfortable environment for the children to let them gradually adapt to English learning.
Our Journey classroom is especially designed for the G1 children, and they can encounter new vocabulary in a familiar daily life setting. Ms. Natasha Steyn, the International Curriculum Leader for G1, explained that there are often some children who are not confident in English. During teaching, she usually asks the children to work in groups and pairs as they feel more comfortable when learning together with their peers.
Our teachers use interesting teaching and integrated methods of teaching to encourage learning with the pupils, rather than explicit teaching of content. For example, introducing nursery rhymes and poetry to the children helps them practise oral skills. After reading Jack and the Beanstalk, the pupils would practise writing their own stories based on the formula they learned.
Building Up Multiple Abilities
5C’s Timmy Du transferred to SCBS from a public school in grade 2. He said he was worried at the beginning whether he could keep up with the pace of the international curriculum. Currently as a G5 pupil, his GL Assessment is equivalent to English native speakers who are 16 years old. “
I think my English improved significantly during the summer after I came to SCBS. The expat teachers gave us a lot of reading lists, and I found myself having better comprehension of grammar while reading.
In class, our teachers often organise debates and presentations, which help me become more confident in speaking English.
For higher grade pupils like Timmy, the expat teachers train their multiple abilities through hands-on and project-based themes.
Ms. Sandra Lopez commented that the G5 pupils are very good at applying oral skills across different topics and content. However, sometimes they might be over reliant on the teachers’ opinions. Therefore, she would guide the children to do self reflect and give peer feedback and train their problem-solving skills in different topics and forms.
At SCBS, the teachers do not separate “listening, speaking, reading, and writing” but let the students master these skills through comprehensive teaching skills.
We hope to prepare them to get ready for the future both academically and emotionally through English teaching.
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