
来源:上海青浦区协和双语学校 2023-03-24 59个人阅读

上海青浦区协和双语学校:家校温暖同行                有缘因爱相遇,家校温暖同行。

Welcoming the Parents’ Support Group with Love and Gratitude


In this spring season, we finally ushered in the long-awaited SUIS Qingpu Parent’s Support Group (PSG) meeting. Everyone gathered happily together in our Ancient Scholars House for the school to show its gratitude. This appreciation meeting was an important platform for the school and parents, aimed at thanking the PSG for its strong support for and cooperation with the school over the past year. At the same time, the meeting served to better promote home-school communication and enhance both home-school cooperation and the comprehensive development of students.



Principals Sunny Huang and Dr Adam Neufield expressed their sincere welcome to all the PSG committee members and thanked them for their continuing support for the school. Principal Huang also gave her feedback on her recent visit to Pate’s Grammar School in the UK, shared the results from the visit, and encouraged parents to work together with the school to build a beautiful campus.


Since 2019, the SUIS Qingpu campus has made great efforts to strengthen communication and interaction between the school, teachers and parents. To do so, an official Parent Support Group was set up in the very beginning. The PSG is an important group, one that links both home and school. During the last five years, parents have been supporting the school in a variety of ways, from parent lectures to parent open days, with various student activities, and at tea gatherings.


In order to thank the PSG for participating in school activities and making positive contributions to the development of the school, the school prepared a beautiful appreciation card for each PSG committee member. 


Members of the school’s leadership and management team, teacher representatives and PSG representatives talked and laughed together, drank tea and enjoyed refreshments, shared about their parenting experiences, and talked about the future growth of their children.

一番畅聊后,大家移步大剧院,欣赏学校校队同学们和音乐老师们带来的精彩演出。From this informal setting, we then moved to the Grand Theater to enjoy several wonderful performances brought by students from our school team and three music teachers.

本次答谢晚会由校管弦乐团开场,孩子们轻快的旋律,温暖了现场的气氛。中学合唱队员带来的《Come to the music》欢快热烈,优美酣畅。高中Navase舞蹈社与小学清风舞蹈队各自演绎了风格截然不同的舞蹈作品,时尚炫酷的现代女团舞蹈与柔美流畅的古典舞相遇,碰撞出来了一场视觉盛宴。AI编程校队的学生们则将高科技移到了舞台上,带在场观众体验了一把用机器人来完成驾考模拟二的场景,收获了阵阵掌声。在节目最后夜莺合唱队员身披浅蓝色围巾,在音乐响起时“小夜莺”们放声歌唱,犹如天籁歌声令人陶醉,让在座观众赞叹不已。

The performance began with the school orchestra providing the audience with a lively melody, the talented children warming up the atmosphere. The middle school chorus was cheerful, warm and pleasant. The High School’s Navase Dance Club and the Primary School’s Qingfeng Dance team each performed dance works with completely different styles. The students of the AI Programming Team moved their high technology to the stage, and the audience enjoyed witnessing a robot completing “Driving Test Simulation 2,” after which they erupted with a loud burst of applause. At the end of the programme, Nightingale Chorus members, wearing light blue scarves, sang aloud sweetly like their name sakes in the trees. 

这场精美绝伦的晚会除了来自校队学生们的精彩亮相之外,我们特邀了来自小学部音乐教师孟倩如,中学部音乐教师孙晶和高中部音乐教师Mr Michael一起倾情演绎了选自于百老汇音乐剧《西区故事》的“Tonight”,歌声绕梁,震撼人心,在三位老师谢幕时,台下掌声雷动。

Primary School music teacher Meng Qianru, Middle School music teacher Sun Jing and High School music teacher Mr Michael Feigl together sang an emotional duet from the Broadway musical "West Side Story”, leaving the stage to waves of applause.

携手共育花开,成长未来可期。在答谢会的尾声,校长助理刘桂香再次表达了对家委们一如既往的支持的感谢,正如夜莺合唱团的歌曲所唱,希望see you again and again and again。

Hand-in-hand, cultivating flowers together, future blossoms are expected. At the end of the ‘thank you’ meeting, Assistant Principal Helen Liu Guixiang once again expressed her gratitude to the PSG for their continuing support, just like the words from the Nightingale Chorus’ song that day: We hope to see you again and again and again.