1C Kiki小朋友推荐的这本《屁屁侦探》是日本的超人气侦探推理故事,截至2020年10月,在日本国内的销量已经超过800万。包括中文在内,卖出了十几种语言的版权,已经成为全世界儿童的“偶像”。
He has parted hair, sharp eyes, agile skills and a super high IQ.
He looks funny with a big bum, wearing a beret on his head, always sniffing out suspicious activities.
During critical moments, he will also use a trick: "Poof!" He will release a stinky fart, and deter the bad guys!
What is his name, you ask? It is none other than Detective Pipi!
Detective Pipi was recommended by Kiki from 1C, which is a popular detective mystery story from Japan. As of October 2020, it has sold more than 8 million copies in Japan. Including Chinese, it has sold copyrights in more than a dozen languages and has become a “must-read" for children around the world.
If you like reasoning and solving mysteries, this is definitely a good book not to be missed! For example, our big-bummed detective ventures out into the lively streets, finds the victim of the cases, and finds ways to solve the crimes!
Let’s read and learn from Pipi so we can also become a cool detective!